As well as generating significant income and community benefit for Orkney, Orkney's Community Wind Farm project will also allow the Council to join other local developers in making a meaningful contribution to a Needs Case for a new interconnector for Orkney, which would support the vital renewable energy industry in Orkney.
Some of the questions we've asked about the needs case at the public engagement events include:
What is the latest on the Needs Case?
Ofgem approved a Needs Case for Orkney in September this year. They have specified that 135MW of confirmed generation is required by December 2021 to justify a 220MW cable. To qualify for this, projects must have been awarded a CfD or;
· Have secured planning permission
· Have entered into a grid connection agreement
· Have passed a financial audit to the satisfaction of OFGEM.
In order to meet this target and secure the cable it is clear that some or all of the wind farm projects the Council is progressing will be required along with other renewable generation projects.
What if we don’t meet the conditions?
If the Needs Case is rejected it will be because we weren’t able to develop enough projects to a sufficient stage in good time. If we want a new cable then we still need projects developed. It’s likely that we would continue development and look to start a new Needs Case, although Councillors would be asked for a view on this.
Why do we want a new cable?
Orkney has not been able to take advantage of the wind, tidal, and wave resource due to a lack of space on the existing cables. By adding an extra cable Orkney will be able to continue to grow as an innovative location for the renewable energy industry.